Aporia is a short performance that tackles the idea of repressing whilst struggling with insecurities, personal confrontations, difficult encounters and living up to expectations. The ongoing battle of one’s self-consciousness and troubles of accepting who they are is what APORIA is about. It highlights the stage of uncertainty and the expression of doubt; a recurring feeling surrounding the idea of being a centrepiece.
Aporia has been selected as one of the winners of the LISFE Art Competition 2016
Concept: HipSick Unusual Theatre | Choreographer: Tjarda van Straten | Performance: Vleer Echevarria, Tjarda van Straten, Nadîja Broekhart | Music: Stefan Julizar | Costumes: Nadîja Broekhart | Video Edit: Mikki Sindhunata | Photography: J.M.Schneider
Past Performances
Sexyland – Amsterdam | Time Window Festival – Rotterdam | Tribaleuven – Leuven (BE) | Schouwburgplein – Rotterdam | Book Presentation ROME’DAM by Gyz la Riviere – Rotterdam | International Short Film Experience – Leiden| The Performance Bar – Opening Festival – Rotterdam | NYE Eurofest #2 WORM – Rotterdam | Sint Niklaas Harcore Fest – Brussel (BE) |